Parallel Designs ensures the process fits the project. We begin each project with a thorough analysis, focusing on the business drivers and the dimensions of the overall situation. Keeping your business objectives in mind, we will determine the best strategy for success. Depending on your needs, we typically utilize the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) process, rapid design/prototyping, or AGILE. Below is a sample of how the ADDIE process works. Keep in mind we will make adjustments based on your needs.
During analysis we will determine the problems and propose a solution.
FRONT END ANALYSIS | We will assess the root cause of the problem and recommend interventions, such as: training, new software, and motivation rewards.
INSTRUCTIONAL MODEL | We will utilize the instructional model(s) that most appropriately fits the situation.
NEEDS ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT | We will help redefine your training priorities and approaches based on careful gathering and assessment of desired competencies, performance goals, and business requirements.
During design we will organize your content using instructional strategies that align with your goals and objectives. We design learning to be hands-on and interactive, combining strong learning content with high-impact activities including real-world practice, scenarios, case studies, and simulations.
CONTENT | With subject matter experts, we will determine the content the learners need to know through task analysis and learning objectives. We will organize the content into levels of learning to help increases training effectiveness.
ASSESSMENT | We will ensures that your assessment is well written and assesses both high and low level content correctly.
INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES | We will use proven instructional techniques to create engaging, performance-based training to maximize transfer to the job. For example, we may use Gagne’s nine events as a framework and within that present learners with problems (problem based learning), case studies, and games. The instructional strategies are selected once the content is organized by the task analysis.
STORYBOARDS | This is a road map or guide of the training. Storyboards are developed to provide visuals, review and organize content, write narration, and explain animations.
Programming, eLearning, LMS, Web or mobile - we do it all. During the design phase we will produce the product.
We develop training for the following scenarios:
Classroom training
Computer-based training
Online training
Mobile devices
Learning Management Systems (LMS)
Here are some examples of the technologies we use for development:
Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel
Articulate Storyline or Studio
Adobe Captivate or Animate
Adobe Suite (Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign)
Note: Other tools may be used based on your needs (e.g., development in your LMS system).
Communication, stress testing, and change management are crucial during implementation. During implementation will ensure the delivery goes smoothly without error.
CHANGE MANAGEMENT PLAN | Major changes will have big impacts. A change management plan will help minimize any negative impacts and ensure smooth implementation. We will help with transition and ease the change management process.
COMMUNICATION PLAN | This will help to prepare employees for upcoming training. This can be part of the change management plan, or it can be separate.
TRAIN THE TRAINER | This will include training for individuals who will be delivering the training.
EMPLOYEE TRAINING | This will include training for employees.
Did the intervention work? Was there an ROI? During evaluation we will determine the effectiveness of the solution.
EVALUATION REPORT | An evaluation plan will be selected based on your needs (e.g., Kirkpatricks’ evaluation). This type of evaluation looks at four stages : (1) learners motivation during training; (2) achievement; (3) impacts of the training; and (4) return on investment (ROI).